![]() About
Early days - before Seriously Suzy:
(Note: more information can be found within the Sundae Connection CGWiki article.) Sundae Connection (usually abbreviated as SunConn) was a webcomic by Jules Goude. It focused on the life of Suzy Peach, a young girl who lives with her divorced mother in South Carolina. Coming into contact with Suzy were several characters - most notable of these characters were Chad, who tried to make a romantic impression on Suzy, and Suzy's best friend Maggie, who had known Suzy since elementary school. The character who eventually became Suzy starred in a strange dream Jason had back around March of 1996. After several style changes in 1999 and 2000, Suzy was ready to make her webcomic debut on January 1, 2001. New editions of the comic came mostly on Mondays, but several comics related to special storylines premiered on Thursdays as well. In June of 2001, facing numerous creative difficulties as well as stress from preparing a move across town, J. Goude announced the end of the comic. RPG World, a popular webcomic, printed the announcement, which sent thousands of curious visitors to see what was going on. Due to the increased support, Goude reversed his decision and carried on with the current storyline, which ended on September 10. Special holiday-themed comics came on Halloween and Christmas of 2001. On January 31, 2002, Goude brought back Suzy and company in a new set of comics that showed viewers Suzy's first year in high school, as well as her acceptance into her first school clique. This new storyline proved popular, introduced several new and interesting characters and detailed some previous events. It ended on May 31 of the same year, eventually becoming the end of the webcomic Sundae Connection. About the comic Seriously Suzy: (Note: more information can be found within the Seriously Suzy CGWiki article.) After more than a year in development, Seriously Suzy premiered on March 1, 2004, picking up the storyline that SunConn stopped at. This new webcomic looks at the events of Suzy and the rest of the cast as they go through high school one grade at a time. There is a greater focus on the characters and how they became who they are; for example, we got to see a "flashbacked" look at Jeana's life after her family moved to South Carolina. Presented in a convenient, easy to follow 6-panel 2x3 vertical format, new comics premiere at least once a week. Reading Sundae Connection is helpful to understanding Seriously Suzy, but it is not required. If you wish to read through SunConn, please excuse the varying quality of those comics. The cartoonist is working on a guide for new readers, which may be posted on this page. Seriously Suzy is voluntarily rated Web-14 for thematic elements, suggestive content, mild violence and mild language. This means that parental guidance/review is strongly suggested for readers under 14 years of age. Seriously Suzy has been labeled with ICRA, an RDF-based content rating system. External links featured on this website open in a new browser window. The cartoonist of Seriously Suzy assumes no responsibility or liability regarding external links, their content, or their availability. This website and its associated webcomics, images, etc. are intended for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons (living or dead), products, places, etc. is purely coincidental. All dates, times, events and persons depicted are fictional.